One of the easiest and most affordable ways to give the interior of your home a fresh new look is with paint. For even more style, paint an accent wall. This trendy addition will add a touch of modernity to your Castle Rock CO home, one that you’ll love customizing to show off your personality. Professional interior painters will help you create the look that you want

Enhance a Room

Painting is an overwhelming task, but when you take the time to update your home with an accent wall, it can provide the touch of style freshness that you’ve been wanting. Accent walls are easy to paint. In fact, you can probably finish the job in just a few hours.

An accent wall is one wall that’s different than the other walls in the same area. They are a fun addition because they can be classic or eclectic. You can paint it a different color, apply wallpaper or add some sort of texturing like wood trim or fabric. Many homeowners add accent walls into their home to highlight the theme of a room or to make a space look more interesting.

Tips for Choosing a Wall to Accent

When you create an accent wall, it will be noticeable. Once you’ve added this element to a room, it will be the first thing that you and other people notice about the space. This means that it’s important to choose the right wall to embellish. Select one that’s plain, so avoid enhancing a wall that has a window or a door on it. Also, consider whether there is something that you want to use as inspiration for the wall. This might be a piece of artwork or a furniture item.

If you haven’t selected a wall yet, step into the room that you want to update and notice what wall you look at first. Whatever wall that catches your eye should probably be the one that you enhance. Don’t add accent elements to a wall that is too basic or open to the area. When you paint a bright color on a wall that is overly bare, applying a powerful color to it will draw attention away from the area’s other décor. The trick is to add a subtle bit of zing.

Accent walls should improve and complement a room. It shouldn’t be the only thing that people notice about the space. Avoid painting a wall as an accent only to fill it with décor and pictures. If you do this, then it could prevent your accent wall from making the statement that you want. Plan your wall to blend with other things that you have in the space. For instance, if there is a furniture piece that you want to use to enhance the room, then pull inspiration from it to create continuity in the room and your home.

Keep in mind that lighting can also affect this type of wall. Consider the placement of your accent wall. If natural light is shining on it, then this feature can enhance how it looks. You may be able to create a similar look using artificial light, but you’ll have to direct it properly and make sure that you use the right light bulbs and wattage. A residential painting contractor can help you create a natural look. At Barco’s Painting, we hire professionals who will offer you tips and guidance for choosing the right wall to accent in a space.

Go for Ambiance

Color creates ambiance. Use it to give your home the feeling that you want. If you have a narrow room or one that’s short, you can make it seem more expansive with the right wall color. Look at shades that are considered cool, colors like blue, purple and green. When you paint an accent wall a warm color, it will give the area balance. Warm shades include orange, red and yellow.

Once you decide to add an accent wall to a space, keep in mind that if you paint it a darker shade than the other walls in the room, you’ll give the area a traditional look. Making the accent wall the darkest one in the space is generally better than painting it a lighter shade. When the accent wall is darker, it creates more overall balance. You can go with a lighter shade, but you’ll probably want to hire a professional interior painter to make sure that you get the look that you want. Lighter shades generally require an expert eye to get it right.

If you need color inspiration, step into the room that you want to enhance and notice the colors that are already there. Take in what color the carpet is, the curtains and the furniture. Accent walls are meant to stand out, but you don’t want to enhance it in a way that makes it look out of place.

Accent walls should harmonize and provide contrast for the room and your home. When they do, they result in a cohesive look. By definition, it should enrich all of the elements of the room instead of becoming the only feature that you notice in the space.

Make Small Changes for a Big Impact (make title H3)

Accent walls offer numerous benefits. For instance, you can use one to freshen up a space without taking on the time and expense of painting your entire home. They work well in any room, and they are an affordable way to update if your remodeling budget is tight.

When You Search Painters Near Me

When you’re ready to add an accent wall to your home, contact professional interior painters like Barco’s Painting. We can help you choose a great color by sharing our knowledge of color and how it impacts a space. We’ll work with your schedule and treat you and your Castle Rock CO home with respect.

 an accent wall e Can an accent wall enhance your room? Ask the Interior Painters at Barco’s Painting for the best tips and ideas.nhance your room? Ask the Interior Painters at Barco’s Painting for the best tips and ideas.

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