A fresh coat of paint has a transformative effect on every room. Whether you are turning a guest room into a nursery or setting up rooms for a medical practice, you can use paint colors to make the space fit your vision. A new interior paint job is often necessary to keep kitchens, bathrooms and other well-used spaces looking clean and modern. People also love to paint when they move into a new home or business building.

The beginning of the painting process begins with you choosing a color scheme along with planning for your preferred finishing touches. Then, it is important to have an interior painting contractor carefully prepare the room to make sure that the surfaces are ready for paint. Starting the paint job on walls that are not properly prepared leads to sloppy results but allowing for a little extra time to perform some prep work creates a smooth finish that lasts longer. Professional painters will take these steps to prepare your room so that the paint glides onto a smooth canvas.

Start with Moving the Furniture

One of the first things professional painters do is make sure that all of the painting surfaces are accessible. They may need to move furniture out of the room if there are special heirloom or oversized pieces in your collection. In some cases, they can push the furniture to the center of the room and keep it covered to protect it from the paint.

Put Down Floor Protection

Plastic covers and tarps are used to cover any items in the room that cannot be moved out. Once the furniture is covered, they should also put down floor protection that helps to prevent paint drips from ruining the surface. This might cover the whole room or just be placed along the edges where the interior painter is working.

Cover or Remove Additional Features in the Room

Most rooms have other features that the painter will protect. During an interior painting project, your contractor will usually need to remove electrical and light switch plates. This allows them to paint all the way under them for a seamless finish, and it means that they won’t get paint where it is unwanted. If your room has light fixtures, then these might need to be taken down or covered if they are not removable.

Fill in Holes and Cracks

New paint can dramatically improve the aesthetics of a room, but it cannot work miracles without a little help from an inside home painter. Nail holes and other small imperfections cannot be filled in by paint alone. Instead, the contractor will use special materials to fill in the holes and cracks so that the paint has a completely smooth surface to adhere to. This not only improves how the walls look, but it can also help to prevent chipping and flaking down the road.

Clean the Walls

Moving furniture around can often result in dust accumulating on the walls. Certain high use rooms are also known for collecting dirt and grime that needs removal. Your kitchen might have grease spots that won’t allow the paint to stick to the area. Food splatters can also create areas on the wall that need cleaning before painting starts. Kids rooms tend to have areas where tiny hands have left dirt behind. Cleaning the walls is an essential part of residential painting that may take only a few minutes to spot check in rooms that don’t tend to collect dirt. However, this is not a part of the painting process to rush since clean surfaces work better for paint.

Apply Tape for Clean Lines

Painter’s tape is designed to stick to surfaces without leaving sticky residue behind. Professional painters are good at creating straight lines, but they know that tape makes the lines even better. Paint is usually applied along the baseboards and other trim to protect against drips and leave the area free for the appropriate color to be applied. The painter might put tape up along the area where the wall meets the ceiling if your decorating scheme includes different colors in these spaces.

Prime the Walls

Primer isn’t always required for the walls. This is especially true if you are doing an interior painting project that keeps the walls a similar color. Your painting contractor should discuss the need for primer with you as you plan your project. If you have walls with dark paint or patterns, then primer can reduce the amount of coats of paint that the contractor needs to apply to cover it up. Walls with high gloss paint might also require primer to reduce the slipperiness of the surface.

Do a Final Check

Barco’s Painting services include a final inspection of the surfaces before the painter begins. This last check makes sure that no area is left unprepared and that any primed areas are dry. If a spot still needs attention, then it is addressed before the painter starts on the final step of the project.

Start Painting

This is the part where the real fun begins. Professional painters usually begin painting around the edges of the room and work their way to the middle of the walls. At this point, you can begin to see your project coming together. Once again, your interior painter will be working at a careful but steady rate while continuing to monitor for things that need attention. Occasionally, you might see them readjust the floor coverings or replace painter’s tape to be certain that all of the surfaces in the room are protected. Soon, you’ll be able to take in the beautiful results that happen when you work with a contractor that goes the extra mile to make sure the room is ready for painting.

Barco’s Painting company has been serving Castle Rock CO for over 10 years, and our experienced contractors know how to help you choose paint colors and make sure that every square inch of the surface is ready for the perfect paint job. When your home or commercial property needs paint, just give us a call. We never cut corners and always work hard to give you long lasting and beautiful results in every type of room.

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